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sabayonino (26.06.24, 22:23)
Spot T Si si... anche degli ultimi 2 o 3 Big Bang (26.06.24, 18:33)
zioriga Addirittura prima del Big Bang (26.06.24, 17:27)
Spot T Guarda che questa è la più torrida e secca degli ultimi 52 miliardi di anni (25.06.24, 13:02)
sabayonino quale estate ? (24.06.24, 19:58)
kidkidkid3 Buon inizio d'estate a tutti i boincitaliani ...... (21.06.24, 20:07)
sabayonino (05.06.24, 22:37)
boboviz adesso la piattaforma è abbastanza stabile e sviuppata (02.06.24, 09:45)
boboviz I progetti partecipavano quando c'erano rogne o richieste di nuove funzionalità (02.06.24, 09:45)
Antonio Cerrato i progetti strettamente scientifici sono pochi (01.06.24, 12:59)
kidkidkid3 Questo a tutto vantaggio del nostro gruppo Puglia che ora è al 3° posto per RAC ! (01.06.24, 08:43)
Antonio Cerrato sto vedendo, hanno caricato un bel po' di document (01.06.24, 08:43)
kidkidkid3 Buon giorno Boincitaliani, purtroppo l'emorragia dii "filantropi" della ricerca distribuita continua dal febbraio c.a. (01.06.24, 08:40)
boboviz (31.05.24, 15:10)
boboviz Antonio, un pò di materiale è già online (31.05.24, 15:10)
boboviz Intanto, approfittando del Workshop, hanno rilasciato la nuova versione di Boinc (31.05.24, 08:27)
boboviz Di solito lo fanno alla fine (30.05.24, 21:21)
boboviz Spero pubblichino video/powerpoint/ecc (30.05.24, 21:21)
boboviz La torta, però, era carina (30.05.24, 21:21)
Antonio Cerrato Ci sono notizie dal Boinc Workshop? oltre alle torte eh (che sono sempre ben accette ) (30.05.24, 14:17)
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SimOne@home project not allowing forgot password to work 29/01/2012 10:41 #75410

  • idahofisherman
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When I try to login it tells me I have the incorrect password. When I try the forgot password procedure it tells me that email address doesnt exist. If I try to register with the email address it tells me it already exists.

See Charity Engine in BOINC forum under projects. They told me to get hold of you here.

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Ultima Modifica: da baxnimis. Motivo: wrong thread title

Re: SimOne@home project not allowing forgot password to work 29/01/2012 13:35 #75420

  • baxnimis
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idahofisherman ha scritto:

When I try to login it tells me I have the incorrect password. When I try the forgot password procedure it tells me that email address doesnt exist. If I try to register with the email address it tells me it already exists.

See SimOne@home in BOINC forum under projects. They told me to get hold of you here.

Hi Fisherman,

I changed the thread title because u where speaking about SimOne@home project, not "Charity Engine" ;)

I will report your problem to the project admin ASAP

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Re: SimOne@home project not allowing forgot password to work 29/01/2012 18:48 #75429

  • Simone
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can you give me your email address? So I can check sql database.
If I try 'recover password' i obtain

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The mail doens't arrive (yes, there a problem with emai).

A question: what is the connection between SimOne@home and Charity Engine? I don't understand.

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Re: SimOne@home project not allowing forgot password to work 30/01/2012 02:36 #75445

  • baxnimis
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Simone ha scritto:

A question: what is the connection between SimOne@home and Charity Engine? I don't understand.

had to rename the thread, 30 min to understand why speaking about "charity engine"... than I realized was only a small mistake

forgot to change also the text of the message ;)

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