Pubblicazioni scientifiche dei vari sottoprogetti:
Alberto Camjayi and Liliana Arrachea. “Conductance of a quantum dot in the Kondo regime connected to dirty wires”. Physical Review B 86, 235143 (2013).
L.I. RAMOS GARCÍA, Julio F. ALMANSA, “Technical Note: An algorithm to calculate the tissue phantom ratio from depth dose in radiosurgery”, Medical Phisics, vol. 38, issue 5 (April 2011). Online
E. Lostal Lanza, F. Serrano Sanz, J. A. Carrodeguas Villar, P. Martínez Alonso, F. Sanz García, C. Val Gascón (2013) “Cell Images Analysis as a Case of Citizen Science for Advanced Education: Laboratory and School, Back and Forth”. In Proceedings of the 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2013), Valencia, Spain, IATED.
Carlos Gracia-Lázaroa, Alfredo Ferrer, Gonzalo Ruiz, Alfonso Tarancón, José A. Cuesta, Angel Sánchez, Yamir Moreno (2012) “Heterogeneous networks do not promote cooperation when humans play a Prisoner’s Dilemma”, PNAS 109(32), pp. 12922–12926.
L.A. Fernández, A. Gordillo-Guerrero, V. Martín-Mayor, J.J. Ruiz Lorenzo. “Microcanonical Study of the Sitediluted Eight-state Potts Model in 3D”.
Victor L. Cruz, Javier Ramos, and Javier Martinez-Salazar (2012) “Assessment of the Intrinsic Conformational Preferences of Dipeptide Amino Acids in Aqueous Solution by Combined Umbrella Sampling/MBAR Statistics. A Comparison with Experimental Results”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 116 (1), pp 469–475
Víctor Cruz, Javier Ramos, and Javier Martínez-Salazar (2011) “Water-Mediated Conformations of the Alanine Dipeptide as Revealed by Distributed Umbrella Sampling Simulations, Quantum Mechanics Based Calculations, and Experimental Data”, J. Phys. Chem. B. 115 (16), pp. 4880–4886.
A. J. Martínez-Mendoza , J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez, Imre Varga (2010) “Conductance statistics for the power-law banded random matrix model”, In Conference Proceedings of the IV Mexican Meeting on Experimental and Theoretical Physics: Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1319, pp. 41-48
Carlos J. V. Simões, Trishna Mukherjee, Rui M. M. Brito, Richard M. Jackson (2010) “Toward the Discovery of Functional Transthyretin Amyloid Inhibitors: Application of Virtual Screening Methods”, J. Chem. Inf. Model. 50 (10), pp 1806–1820
Carlos J. V. Simões, Alejandro Rivero, R. M. M. Brito (2010). “Searching for Anti-Amyloid Drugs with the Help of Citizens: the ‘AMILOIDE’ Project on the IBERCIVIS Platform”. ERCIM News 82, pp. 25-26
Carlos J. V. Simões, Alejandro Rivero, Alfonso Tarancón, Fermín S. Sanz, Javier L. Romero, Pedro Abreu, Carlos Manuel, Rui Durão, João Rosa, João Pagaime, Pedro Veiga, Richard M. Jackson, Ana Noronha, Rosalia Vargas, Luís T. Magalhães , Gaspar Barreira, Rui M. M. Brito (2010) “Running faster and further together: the AMILOIDE project, the onset of the Portuguese participation on the Ibercivis volunteer computing network”, In Proceedings of IBERGRID’10, Braga, Portugal.
A. Bustos, F. Castejón, L.A. Fernández, J. García, V. Martin-Mayor, J.M. Reynolds, R. Seki6 and J.L. Velasco. “Impact of 3D features on ion collisional transport in ITER” (2010). Online
J. L. Velasco, F. Castejón and A. Tarancón. “Finite orbit width effect in ion collisional transport in TJ-II. ( 2009)”. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3126583]
Tesi di laurea:
Phase Transitions in Desordered Systems. Antonio Gordillo Guerrero, Universidad de Extremadura. Settembre 2009.
Estudio de las Propiedades de Transporte en Sistemas Críticos. Andrei Jesus Martínez Mendoza
Transporte cuántico en sistemas mesoscópicos con campos dependientes del tiempo y desorden. Federico Foieri, Ottobre 2010.